Project Scientists & Specialists

Xing Chen
Penn State University, Jensen group

My research interests involve the method development for investigating the plasmonic response of metallic nanoparticles in quantum size regime and the plasmon-enhanced nonlinear spectroscopy. | Group page

Yuan Feng
Assistant Specialist, UC Irvine, Ge Group | Group page

Bongsu Kim
Assistant Specialist, UC Irvine, Apkarian Group

Studying photo-induced force microscopy, with ultrafast optical microscopy. | Group page

Hiroaki Maekawa
Associate Specialist, UC Irvine, Ge group

Is setting up pump-probe sSNOM experiments to measure carrier dynamics of dye-sensitized Ti02 coated plasmonic substances.  Will perform near-filed mapping and nano FTIR investigation of optically ative polymer samples. | Group page